Terms of Service

1. General Usage

1.1 By using our student freelancing marketplace, you agree to comply with all terms of our Service, as follows: –

1.1.1 You will comply with the applicable laws, rules, and regulations.

1.1.2 You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account login information and for any activity that occurs on your account.

1.1.3 You may not use our marketplace for any illegal or unauthorized purpose, or in a way that could damage, disable, overburden, or impair the marketplace.

1.1.4 You may not attempt to gain unauthorized access to our marketplace or its systems or networks.

1.1.5 You may not use our marketplace to transmit any viruses, worms, or other malicious software.

1.1.6 You may not use our marketplace to send spam or unsolicited emails.

1.1.7 You may not engage in any activity that could negatively impact the performance or availability of our marketplace.

1.1.8 We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your account if we suspect any violations of these terms of service.

2. Guarantee

Our marketplace is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, and we do not guarantee that it will be error-free or uninterrupted. We do not make any guarantees about the quality, accuracy, or reliability of the services provided by our freelancers. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content posted by our freelancers.

3. Support Subscription

Our marketplace offers a paid support subscription service that provides access to additional support resources and features. The terms and conditions of the support subscription service will be outlined in a separate agreement.

4. Support

We offer limited support for our marketplace through our online help center and email support. We will make reasonable efforts to resolving any issues you may have, but we cannot guarantee that all issues will be resolved to your satisfaction.

Note : Support is offered from Monday to Friday, 9AM to 6PM (GMT+8).

5. Content

5.1 The Site may allow you to post, upload, publish, submit or transmit content, including but not limited to text, photos, videos, and audio recordings (collectively, “Content”). You are solely responsible for the Content that you post, upload, publish, submit or transmit through the Site.

5.2 By posting, uploading, publishing, submitting, or transmitting Content on or through the Site, you represent and warrant that: –

5.2.1 You are the owner of the Content or have the necessary rights, licenses, consents, and permissions to use and authorize us to use the Content as set forth in these Terms;

5.2.2 The Content does not infringe, misappropriate or violate the intellectual property rights or other rights of any third party;

5.2.3 The Content does not violate any applicable laws, regulations, or these Terms; and

5.2.4 We reserve the right to remove or disable access to any Content that violates these Terms or that we believe is otherwise inappropriate for the Site.

6. Refunds

In the event that technical issues arise and prevent the proper functioning of the marketplace, we may issue a refund at our discretion.

7. Prohibited Conduct

For the purpose of this registration, you agree that: –

7.1 You will not use the Site for any purpose that is illegal or prohibited by these Terms;

7.2 You will not use the Site in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair the Site or interfere with any other party’s use and enjoyment of the Site;

7.3 You will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Site or any accounts, computer systems, or networks connected to the Site, through hacking, password mining, or any other means; and

7.4 You will not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information through any means not intentionally made available through the Site.

8. Limitation & Liability

We will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of the Site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.