EzGIG SDN BHD (1605724-D) Level 13, ACE Tower, No. 3, Jalan Bangsar, KL Eco City, 59200 Kuala Lumpur.
Do you need help getting hired? Do you feel like you have much to offer but lack the words to fully describe your expertise? Look no further!
With a measly price of RM 45, I will get your LinkedIn profile seen and picked up more than ever!
My name is Ali Imran, a final-year student from Universiti Malaya and I'm here to help your LinkedIn profile! No need for you to stress yourself by cramming out words to describe your experience, allow me to take the pressure off of you and get in a way that will gain you more opportunities!
Prior to this, I have experience in both writing and presenting as well as debating. In essence, convincing and appealing have always been a part of my life and my work. The same goes for your LinkedIn profile! In order to get the opportunity, is to gain the attention and confidence of your future employers!
So, why don't you start by trusting me in updating and optimizing your LinkedIn profile, and get you your dream job!
I can help you, however, I do not know you. So, I will need you to share all the details you have in order for me to really put into words what you have achieved and done.
Once you have decided and would like to use my service, I will need you to share the details you need me to fill in your profile.
This really depends on how much you have going on, and how much you want me to change up. But, to really get the desired results, I would say 3 days would suffice. However, I want to make sure you are satisfied with the work that I have put out, so your involvement will be needed to regularly check on the progress and comment on what you may feel needs updating or changing.
Job is done or money back